This is the time of year when we spend time with family to share our love for each other and show appreciation for our valued friendships. i3solutions wants to take a moment during this holiday season thank each one of our loyal friends who work to keep this country safe and uphold the values we hold dear. This year we have taken the journey together to discuss some of the national security items that affect our country including the spread of Iran’s influence in Africa, relations between China and Taiwan, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Elections, National Debt and the importance of predictive analysis.
Thank you for taking the journey with us and over the next few weeks we hope you relax, enjoy your family and friends, and re-energize so that we can be ready for the upcoming year. Stay on the journey with us in 2023 as we explore additional topics of key importance to our national security.
We appreciate those of you with jobs that protect our country and give us the freedom to have this celebration time with family. We also want to send a special thank you to the many service men and women who will be away from home this holiday season and let you know that we never stop thinking about you!
Wishing you all Happy Holidays and a joyful New Year!
VR Tony Thacker
COL (ret) USA
You have spent your time deployed during this time of year my friend ! God bless
Hey Dai Ta. Hope you and your family have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year, It's an honor to call you Friend and Brother.
Back atcha, brother Tony! Yes, we ought to reflect on those who are deployed protecting democracy and freedom...and be thankful ourselves that we are home safe with our families, because of those who sacrifice daily.